Monday, April 12, 2010


Really never think about your identity until it's stolen - it's who you are, how others see you, how the financial world sees your potential, how you prove that you are who you say you are supposed to be - in a nutshell, your identity is all that you have in this world that is uniquely yours. What happens when it's stolen? How are you supposed to feel?
You never know where it's being used, who's using it, why they're using it....and the hardest part is that it was all out of your control.
My control.
It was all out of MY control.

I went to college.
I had a student loan.
This student loan information was backed up on portable devices by the guarantor of the loan (federal government here, people.....).
These portable devices were kept in a climate controlled room.

This room was broken into.

3.3 Million People's names, SSN, address and date of births were stolen.

I am one of those people.

1 person out of 3.3 million to feel this way.

I received a letter in the mail today from a company I'd never heard of - I thought it was a scam - until I called my student loan company directly and they verified that yes, indeed, this is legit - this really happened - I really should follow what these people tell me to do in the letter.

Helpless, frustrated, saddened, mad, disappointed - you name it, I'm probably feeling it.

Now I'm left to try to protect the pieces - to go down the list of what they recommend doing. They're giving us 12 months of free membership to Triple Alert - to monitor our credit history for free for 12 months. Isn't that generous of them? I mean, my SSN, Name and bday are forever - - they last longer than 12 fucking months! Now, after those 12 "free" months are up, I will have to pay to protect myself for the rest of my life - thank you for this added expense in life!
I'm frustrated now - I don't know what else to do - monitor my credit is about it. I don't know about putting a security freeze on my credit, I don't know how that affects my credit at many things I just don't know - nor did I ever think I would have to know about!

Maybe they should just do away with my student loan altogether - to make up for this security breach - I mean, I trusted these people to contain my information -that trust was broken - there should be more of a repercussion on their end.....
I know - keep dreaming.....

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Well the "W" in the rest of this week is nearly over - thank GOODNESS!!! Today was just so annoying....ah well....I was able to vent with some good peeps, tho what good venting does, I'm not sure - except possibly lessen my desire to jump off a ledge at times....

I do have this annoying cough lingering from my 2-week head/sinus/chest cold thingy.....I'm such a baby when it comes to this stuff - want to be taken care of but know that's not possible yet :-( I don't get sick really - which is why I think I don't know how to take care of myself, other than picking random OTC drugs....My family is telling me to go to the doctor or pharmacist, but I'm just not ready for that yet....part of me makes a mental list of things wrong with me to get it all taken care of at once about insane! It's not even that I don't want to go to the doctor because I don't like her or anything - she's probably the nicest one I've ever had! Nothing to do with medical expenses - my job pays the copay on one of the doctor's visits each year. I think I'm just afraid of there actually being something wrong with me. I suspect there already is something wrong..........of course I'm also part hypochondriac.....and obviously after reading this over, it's clear that I have issues......

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Tomorrow will indeed be a "Good Friday" - the beyotch at work that I can't stand won't be around...which always lightens up the mood around the place - coincidence? I think NOT!!!!!

I'm watching The Marriage Ref right now - the couple on is fighting over whether or not the man can have a urinal in their house. How gross! (I believe I've mentioned my randomness...)
Also, quickly, the news tonight promises a story of why hair goes gray and how too much sex might make it go gray faster...if I don't zone out and forget to watch it, I'll keep you posted on what I find....!

Anyways, I've got to come up with some kind of prank that lasts the entire month of April at work.....something I can sucker my boss' wife in with too....she's really funny and I've told her to watch out because I can make the entire month an April's Fool - but honestly, I was bluffing....I've got nothing.....

Omg - I didn't know there were so many different types of urinals....!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


It's been a while - and while part of the reason for not blogging is laziness, the other part, I'm sad to admit, is that I forgot how to get to my blog. I am a "newbie" when it comes to blogging! :-)

Right now, I want to vent - I'm aware that it may start to sound like whining but I will still call it venting.

I'm not normally an angry person - to have angry thoughts or use the word 'hate' is not normal for me. However, for the last year or so, I've hated one person more than others and I can't get past it. I think mainly it's because I do not understand how one person can thrive on the misery of others, refuse to believe that this person does not see how horrible they are to other people.

Let me start at the beginning. I work with Satan. I call her "the bull" because of the way she tramples over everyone and anyone in her path. There have been people who would've been unfortunate road kill if not for a last minute dodge to one side or the other. Like a bull in a china shop. Appropriate, right?

Most people try to survive in life by treating others as human beings, as they would like to be treated themselves. At least that is what I'd like to believe - naieve or not.

The Bull and I used to be friends - really good friends I thought - at work. We'd go to lunch, talk about upcoming projects we have, issues going on in our lives - - like normal friends. I have no idea what happened - - one day, friends - - next day, she snapped. Transformed into a bull of a person, throwing attitude around to everyone, ordering everyone around (myself included) when she has no role of authority to do so. I've talked to my boss about this, he's pulled me into a meeting with her and nothing has changed - - nothing. I've had repeated conversations with my boss about this - - nothing's changed. She's lost the company thousands of dollars. Nothing happens. None of the technicians want to call her because of her attitude. Nothing happens. I
feel I've tried talking to her unsuccessfully. I've tried forgiving the past and moving on to a new day for weeks on end. Nothing changed.

People I work with have speculated at her being a kiss-ass or perhaps doing "favors" of a less reputable nature in order to keep her job. I will admit to having entertained these ideas myself - I seem to stumble into various awkward scenes involving her and another technician. I just can't picture it - and if I can't picture it, then I don't think it's happening. She's married, has a young kid - - not that people in those situations don't have affairs. I just can't picture it because of a more shallow nature.

I don't understand how someone who interjects themselves into another person's job to let them know how it should be done, who yells at others infront of an entire office (she did this to the warranty coordinator!), who continually screws up jobs and money....can be seen as more of an asset than people who do their jobs well and actually make money for the company. It completely boggles my mind. How do people continue to get away with everything?

Don't get me wrong - we all make mistakes. The issue is when you don't learn from these mistakes, when you continue to overstep your boundaries with people, when you see yourself as more of an asset than a liability.
There are obviously a lot of details and examples and stories that I could tell but would not make sense unless you know the people involved or the surrounding situations I'm sure. I do hope that some of it makes sense tho.

I like my job - I enjoy what I do. I am thankful to have a job in this economy.

I wish the economy was better tho - I wish jobs were more plentiful - not just for myself, but for everyone. I wish people were not such assholes!!!
Currently, I wish my hiccups would stop....!

Ok - - I'm aware that a lot of this may not make sense - but I need to get it out there - to talk about it outside of my head. The voices in there all sound the same and no one offers a different opinion than mine!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

It's Wednesday!!

I've always wanted to do this - blog. I don't quite think I'll have something of importance or interest to say every day - but perhaps once in a while, someone will enjoy reading my ramblings!
My good friend (and one bishin' dj!) InsyX promised to link me - and that was inspiration enough! He truly is one of the hawtest dj's in SL and I'm not sure if he knows it or not, but he inspired me to dj online. Prior to diving in to it, I had been to various clubs around SL and heard some dj's that made my ears bleed. When I heard InsyX, it was like that chorus of "ahhhhh" played in the background and I knew - THIS - was what I wanted to do.
I will write more later - this was just to get started....and it looks like a mini love note to InsyX...haha! *muah bish*