Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Well the "W" in the rest of this week is nearly over - thank GOODNESS!!! Today was just so annoying....ah well....I was able to vent with some good peeps, tho what good venting does, I'm not sure - except possibly lessen my desire to jump off a ledge at times....

I do have this annoying cough lingering from my 2-week head/sinus/chest cold thingy.....I'm such a baby when it comes to this stuff - want to be taken care of but know that's not possible yet :-( I don't get sick really - which is why I think I don't know how to take care of myself, other than picking random OTC drugs....My family is telling me to go to the doctor or pharmacist, but I'm just not ready for that yet....part of me makes a mental list of things wrong with me to get it all taken care of at once about insane! It's not even that I don't want to go to the doctor because I don't like her or anything - she's probably the nicest one I've ever had! Nothing to do with medical expenses - my job pays the copay on one of the doctor's visits each year. I think I'm just afraid of there actually being something wrong with me. I suspect there already is something wrong..........of course I'm also part hypochondriac.....and obviously after reading this over, it's clear that I have issues......

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