Wednesday, February 24, 2010

It's Wednesday!!

I've always wanted to do this - blog. I don't quite think I'll have something of importance or interest to say every day - but perhaps once in a while, someone will enjoy reading my ramblings!
My good friend (and one bishin' dj!) InsyX promised to link me - and that was inspiration enough! He truly is one of the hawtest dj's in SL and I'm not sure if he knows it or not, but he inspired me to dj online. Prior to diving in to it, I had been to various clubs around SL and heard some dj's that made my ears bleed. When I heard InsyX, it was like that chorus of "ahhhhh" played in the background and I knew - THIS - was what I wanted to do.
I will write more later - this was just to get started....and it looks like a mini love note to InsyX...haha! *muah bish*


  1. Hey Bish!! I ALWAYS loved your SEXY voice when you DJ'd.... Miss it HUGS & Licks
    MB :o)

  2. Wow, and yes I never knew all of that. I am honored to be your inspiration. Can we keep her, MountainBear? LOL!! You will do real good with the blog...Not like I been doing this for a long time (only started yesterday...but do have a full website to fall on for experience), just treat it like ur thinking and diary but more public and kinda on paper :)
